Aug 16, 2008


It's been ages since i blogged anything..
i still remember.. blogging in the middle of the forest..
In greens, having mud and sweat tainted on me.. me facing a beautiful lake.. while my fellow comrades are soundly asleep in a early morning!

Yep.. if u think correctly.. it's during NS( national service) doing a 3days outfield then..
Cleverly and stealthily i brought in a camera phone and having able to GPRS..

Misses to my friends!! my section mates.. esp xianrui and xinhui.. the usual buddies would join me singing in the middle of the forest!
Really happy that theres friends who enjoyed my singing.. thank you :)

Miss those days!

Well yea i miss school days in MDIS too...
although there's many things i regretted not doing then!

haha, pretty random posting these eh?
well thats me..


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I'm a Happy guy, with a broken heart How am i able to mend it? Bad Romance~