Feb 22, 2010

Got Slapped!!!

Nasty Astrology--

Sagittarians have no real talent of skills and survive purely on gut instinct and luck. They are a status-seeking snob with a reckless risk taking approach to life - which seems to pay off, for the moment ( but their day is coming ). They really care what other people think of them - how pathetic. They love travel, but it's really only running away for them, isn't it? Anything to avoid an honest days work...
The truth is, they don't have much of a personality. They are a bit like cotton wool. You know it's there. You know it has a purpose. But that's about it. You couldn't have a conversation with cotton wool would you? Or a meaningful relationship. Or give it a job. They always think they have some hidden talent - be it writing, composing music, singing, or dancing - and that it wont' take long for fame and fortune to come their way. They end up blaming everyone else for not being discovered. It never occurs to them that we looked under their rock and deemed them talentless and undiscoverable - we passed them by. They love hanging out in big gatherings where they think they're the centre of attention. They actually blend in rather nicely with the wallpaper, but don't tell them. They think snowboarding and juggling are subjects for worthy conversation as they are a bit vacant upstairs, although they do a nice line in pretend philosophy. Truth is they would rather get back to watching TV. For such a pallid, limp sign they sure have big egos. Understandable for some signs - you expect Leo to be proud and chickensure - but not little Sagittarius. From them you would expect quietude, modesty and humility. Instead you get a giant chip on the shoulder, arrogance and sneering condenscension. They think the world owes them a living, a roof over their head and lots of money. We owe them nothing.

Sagittarius in Love
It doesn't happen a lot - it could be all that arrogance - but when it does the earth moves. Well it shimmers a little. They fall in love with totally unsuitable people - the kind who will prop up their egos and pander to their aches and pain - they are all terribly hypochondriacs and suffer endless twinges, joint pains, muscular aches, sprains strains and tendon pulls. They aren't terribly demonstrative and their lover will complain of a lack of affection, romance, sensitivity and tactile companionship - A Sagittarius don't touch much. They do, however, like to be touched, a lot. Perhaps because they are a little touched in the head? Their idea of romance is to send their lover a postcard from some exotic place they have fled to. They often travel alone because no one else will go with them, and not because they prefer it. They are always talking of where they have been and where they are going to go - it could be enough to put anyone off but, surprisingly, they do seem to be able to attract love attention. They are often very thin - they think this it makes themselves look more interesting - and their choice of partner borders on the, well, how shall we say it? ...fat. Yes, they like a big 'un. Nice, well-rounded, with lots of meat on the bone. Something to get their teeth into, something to hang onto. I think it reminds them of their mother.
Sagittarius and Sex
They relate to beds as places to sleep. Because they like to lie in bed all day if they can get away with it, the idea of using such a warm and comfortable hideaway for sex is slightly repugnant to them. Why waste all that effort when you could be using that time to sleep some more? Once you get them into bed they are simply hopeless lovers. They value speed over everything, including experience, flare, prowess, technique, and a loving touch. If you got one alone on an exotic beach complete with sunshine, warmth and indolence you might get them to show an interest - but I doubt it. They're more likely to be dreaming of more exotic places - and running away again.

Saggis just got slapped, haha these were all written from a book

Nast Astrology, bashing all the 12 sign

Interested in knowing how will you sign be bash? comment i'll post for u there!!

Hahaha, it's not true totally.. Ment for fun, so no offense people hahaha!


ever feel like a idiot?

ever waited for something yet knowing it won't come?

ever put in so much effort, yet knowing the results would go down?

I'm dumb.. i'm stupid..

and i'm Fucked"

Alright time to stand up & move on.




Feb 20, 2010

My Feeling

紅色的漱口杯 黃色浴室光線
潮濕的空氣裡 你說有種懷念的氣味
咖啡色的衣櫃 沾滿灰的窗簾

我們之間 用兩種語言
說話時的氛圍 距離總是遙遠

Title 不完美
Written by 大牙 of 我愛黑澀會
盧廣仲 made one rendition of it.




SIMs.. Build your desire home!

:DDDDD hahaha, back to my secondary school days.. The, Sims was one of my favorite games. I get to build BIG houses.. and whatever i want my dream home to be like! WHY?? out of a sudden i wrote this. Yeah!
usually when i'm bathing @ home or anywhere i like to play my mp3 songs..

Sometimes i'll sing along or dance along while enjoying the water flowing and cleansing my body.

yeah!! So yesterday was at my sister house..

While bathing, i play my favorite song by Crowd Lu - OH! YEAH!!

And this idea of, in future.. while i own my own home!!

I'll set music player or mp3 stereo in my bath room :D

Just a touch of a wireless controller i can tune in to my favorite music.. While..

Bathing or Bian Bian :P

COOL right?? Yeah~ xDDD

Had a dream, It was her..
I've dream about the lovely times we usually had in the past.

Well, usually after such dream, i'll be quiet down emotionally for sometime.

But now i realize.. i won't say love is no longer there... But it's like.. i just simple don't bother anymore.

Well, think we made a good choice in parting.. She once told me.. I'm the one guy in her life that.

Made her cry the most..

Yea, i'm not a good bf..

Thanks & sorry to my many good friends, who always say i will be a good bf.. Maybe i was.. But after i don't trust her anymore.. Things changes..

Sorry for not trusting you enough.. Hope & glad your happier now.



Feb 18, 2010


我喜欢你,你明明不是我心目中喜欢的那样的女生, 可是..我就是喜欢你..~~

Does this line above tingle anything?


Hahaha, are you thinking what i'm thinking?

& Yes it is :D

The line where Xue Hai told Bao Zhu Jie. Haha so sweet right ;D


Feb 17, 2010


Yep.. what the title says.. I only want one..

But born in this era!! There's no way to have only one specific lifestyle!! haha

Random it is ;P

Was sms'ing a friends earlier on, after checking on one another "hows yr day"

And this js roughly what i told her..

Me: Hey look out your window.. It's already 7pm.. but yet it's still so bright.. I'm like the sky now.. Thou it's getting late, yet still so bright..

after that, i did try to think of a logical reason why did i told my friend that?

And i can't find a answer, yeah~~

After i finish my work.. i went on practicing some coords on my guitar. haha seriously my fingers are so stiff! Piano is much easier to learn!!

But no way ism stopping, thou my fingers are kinda bruise and red after 1hr of practicing!

I managed to memorize the position and chords of G,Eminor,C,D chord!!

HAHA, enough to play a simple song!!

But well, i still need plenty of practice to be perfect.. Even if i hit the correct chords with my fingers.. but the sound that came along...

IS AWFUL!!... even my ears is complaining..

To :G, Thank you for sending me those wonderful songs!!

But seriously.. you can say I'm avoiding something.. But at the point in my life.

No sad songs, I need something happier :D


How amazing that you could spend so many first time with someone
& as soon as you look behind.
It ended, gone.
We learn to move along even without these people.
We need to be strong.


Feb 15, 2010

從此以後 會更明白 甚麼是溫柔

Hahaha!! lately.. I'm switch back to mandarin music.. So i'm soo into these meaningful lines!!

Thou, my knowledge in writing & reading mandarin is CANNOT MAKE IT..

But i'll try to improve :)

Well welll 2nd day of Bai Nian ended ya :D

& yea i've catch a Movie with my brother earlier!! It's "True Legend"

Pretty good it was!! Thou i don't really like the part where he dream of Jay Chou ( as Wu Shen)

But overall I'm entertained!!!!


I'm actually losing courage.. I may look confident and calm on the outside..

But trust me, in me! I'm worried and thinking about millions of things..

It's lucky, i've got no white hair yet!! :P

I wonder... does your heart still hurts?
Please forget it, the so called happiness!
It's only a fairy tale
把時光倒轉看見了, 以前的自己 !


Feb 14, 2010

太陽公公出來了 他對我呀笑呀笑


SO gonna start the long lost regime i used to adopt!!

It's Exercise!!

OMG, there's like so much to plan for :D

Get back my lost packs ;D
Aiming for my old weight 63kg (I'm 68now, with more fats than muscle i used to have)
Join my friends in marathon & looking gorgeous in swimming pools or beach haha :P

Here's a little sneak preview of my plans :D
  • Gonna Jog in intervals.. Mon,Wed,Friday & Sunday
  • Skipping(one of my fav workout).. incredible effect.. after 1500~2000skips.. look at the floor it's allll WET!! ;D
  • Skipping will be daily 200x10 Sets, Tue, Thur, Sat :D
  • Statics.. For people who dunno whats that.. It's the usual Sit up, Crunches, Opposite Crunches, Pull Ups, Push Ups(varies from diamond to wide), Every day is possible :D
  • Not to forget.. Stretching is essential for any exercise!! ;)

Yep, this is what i do 3years ago.. Losing from 77kg to 66kg within 2 months :D
But.. where on earth did i get those motivation back then -_-""

Off from my little resolution.

Yea, everyone should know this..


HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO EVERYONE OUT THERE!! Thou i do not have any valentine yet.. but Happy Valentine to my family and friends.. and all Lovely couples out there ;D

have a blissful year ahead yeah yeah yeah!!

So how's everyone bai'Nian Mission going?

For mine..

As what my family usually does.. visit Grand Pa/Ma place on the first day.. where all my aunt's/uncle family will gather!!

2Nd day would be to AMK, my Eldest Aunt House.. where most of the relatives will gather as well :D

And end~~ :/

Pretty Short yea?


Before my parents were separated.. We would do visits for 4 days.. and it's super tiring..

Cause total up we'll be visiting up to 5~6 places. where we could stay there up to 6hours.. cause on my dad side.. we have plenty of relatives!

Still remember back @ my old house in Toa Payoh.. at our back yard.. bunch of our neighbors.. will get together and have our very own New Year Party.. Plenty of food and beverages and PEOPLE gather.. It's so fun!! but well no more ya (:

Well too bad ya, when two people dosen't get along.. Why suffer? knowing dragging on makes you sinking deeper into shit..

So i was happy for them la..

~curious? alright.. I'll be writing a novel to explain. so in short.. complicated issues.. Divorced they are.. So we're like totally cut off from dad's side relatives yeah!! (:
Actually i do miss them!

Oh ya..
Was kinda dumb earlier.. was trying to stream this specific Chinese movie.. & the connection is kinda bad.. so i let it stream for about 1/2 hour? and GUESS WHAT!!!!
I heard french voice.. DAMN.. haha it's a french version..
Worst is there's not even any subtitles for me to "Jiang Jiu".. so.. end up i load up another.. haha!!

Okay~ did met some friends our during the night for some chill.. haha they were amazed that i quit beer.. But don't worry guys.. if you give me wine.. I'll be Glad to take it :D

Alrighty, end of my journey and nags of the day!!

Bless everyone with happiness!!



Feb 13, 2010

Rock'n roll的style

Lately there's been SO many new singers(mandarin)!!

& from so many good looking, able to dance & act!!

This guy.. HIS MY FAVOURITE.. his character.. goofy self and character that could make me LAUGH all the time..

& not to forget his INCREDIBLE vocals.. esp he was able to pitch as high as Vita's did!!

He has this weird yet amazing way in singing, the guitar tabs he plays is so complicated yet smoothing blues like!

I love his lyrics.. funny, cute yet able to bring plenty of meaning in each & individual of us!

Even Jay Chou says, if he were to pick one new singers to collaborate with.. it'll be him! haha

Gotta get his album! :D

He is 盧廣仲

Haha, man everyone should start off listening his song bout breakfast haha!! Cute

But i won't get his hairstyle haha.. dosen't suit me.. but maybe his specs hahah!!

YEA 盧廣仲 Rock N Roll Style!!

整个世界 停止 不转动 很寂寞
走在海边 数着 萤火虫 好困惑
不想掉进这深深 漩涡

整个海洋 摆动 柔软地 举起我
孤单给我 自由 犹豫得 好感动
该怎么走 谁来告诉我 wow


孤独摸索 爱情渐渐萎缩
我猜不透 ......

Harvest Time

Well, yi nian yi du!! Chinese New Year started!!

Starts off with a spring cleaning to stocking up tibits and many other delicacies to a Family reunion dinner!!

And next would be visiting relatives & friends! & not to forget to collect your blessing(ang bao), thats only if your single ;D

Yea we had our advance family reunion dinner yesterday @ Marina Dian Xiao Er..

haha i am LATE, actually is on time la.. but due to work!! i'm sorry.. but no choice man!

Well, i have like millions of stuff i wanted to write here.. but it's like i just don't know what to type on haha!!

So, i wish everyone out there a wonderful n Blissful New Year :D

RAWR!!! for Tiger Year!!


Feb 12, 2010



I have this belief that everything has an end

In meeting and parting,

There are times

Where neither one will last, forever

But I, sometimes

Would rather choose to love and not let go

Until we've seen all there is to see

Perhaps you'll spend the eternity with me?

Feb 11, 2010


As time goes by..

It is, time passes pretty quick.. It's already half of a quarter of 2010..

& guess what, i decided to revive my blog..

Many things happen...

Started my first relationship.. and same goes ended it..

Found a dream job to pursuit.. and at the same i left the job, noticing that it doesn't suit me.

bad romance.. nice song by lady gaga.. and yet it feels so real!

It was my first relationship, back then trust level wasn't there..

respect for one another isn't there too... It's tough, she made the decision.. i struggled with it..

But after these months.. then i realize, she's in deeper pain than i do..

淡淡一句还是朋友.. you can't even accept.. all her ways trying to avoid me..

Shall not explain further...

As 那祝福的 话叫我如何 能够说的出口

What i wish to tell her is..

" I Hope that... 你比从前快乐.. :)"

Many told me.. i'm strong! pro! and etc...

but seriously i'm not.. some did notice the sadness within my smile.

Life gotta move on.. Theres my family, friends & people who loves me.

i can't disappoint them any further!

Yea so... CHEN SHIWEI.. better wake up and move on..


I will... 總有一天我有屬於我的天!!!

Who ever out there, dealing with similar <3>

But really for own betterment.. we must move on~!

It's all in our mind! :)

Oh ya, tried new ways in cooking congee again.. haha! well kinda failed.. tasted bad!

As some good friends knows me..

But to some maybe they don't

At times my frankness in words does kills.. I'm sorry to who ever i did offended!

Oh ya, lastly.. i can't write or read chinese well.. but i do speak them fluently..

So please pardon my erm.. mandarin :P



About Me

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I'm a Happy guy, with a broken heart How am i able to mend it? Bad Romance~