Sagittarians have no real talent of skills and survive purely on gut instinct and luck. They are a status-seeking snob with a reckless risk taking approach to life - which seems to pay off, for the moment ( but their day is coming ). They really care what other people think of them - how pathetic. They love travel, but it's really only running away for them, isn't it? Anything to avoid an honest days work...
The truth is, they don't have much of a personality. They are a bit like cotton wool. You know it's there. You know it has a purpose. But that's about it. You couldn't have a conversation with cotton wool would you? Or a meaningful relationship. Or give it a job. They always think they have some hidden talent - be it writing, composing music, singing, or dancing - and that it wont' take long for fame and fortune to come their way. They end up blaming everyone else for not being discovered. It never occurs to them that we looked under their rock and deemed them talentless and undiscoverable - we passed them by. They love hanging out in big gatherings where they think they're the centre of attention. They actually blend in rather nicely with the wallpaper, but don't tell them. They think snowboarding and juggling are subjects for worthy conversation as they are a bit vacant upstairs, although they do a nice line in pretend philosophy. Truth is they would rather get back to watching TV. For such a pallid, limp sign they sure have big egos. Understandable for some signs - you expect Leo to be proud and chickensure - but not little Sagittarius. From them you would expect quietude, modesty and humility. Instead you get a giant chip on the shoulder, arrogance and sneering condenscension. They think the world owes them a living, a roof over their head and lots of money. We owe them nothing. ***
It doesn't happen a lot - it could be all that arrogance - but when it does the earth moves. Well it shimmers a little. They fall in love with totally unsuitable people - the kind who will prop up their egos and pander to their aches and pain - they are all terribly hypochondriacs and suffer endless twinges, joint pains, muscular aches, sprains strains and tendon pulls. They aren't terribly demonstrative and their lover will complain of a lack of affection, romance, sensitivity and tactile companionship - A Sagittarius don't touch much. They do, however, like to be touched, a lot. Perhaps because they are a little touched in the head? Their idea of romance is to send their lover a postcard from some exotic place they have fled to. They often travel alone because no one else will go with them, and not because they prefer it. They are always talking of where they have been and where they are going to go - it could be enough to put anyone off but, surprisingly, they do seem to be able to attract love attention. They are often very thin - they think this it makes themselves look more interesting - and their choice of partner borders on the, well, how shall we say it? ...fat. Yes, they like a big 'un. Nice, well-rounded, with lots of meat on the bone. Something to get their teeth into, something to hang onto. I think it reminds them of their mother.
Sagittarius and Sex
They relate to beds as places to sleep. Because they like to lie in bed all day if they can get away with it, the idea of using such a warm and comfortable hideaway for sex is slightly repugnant to them. Why waste all that effort when you could be using that time to sleep some more? Once you get them into bed they are simply hopeless lovers. They value speed over everything, including experience, flare, prowess, technique, and a loving touch. If you got one alone on an exotic beach complete with sunshine, warmth and indolence you might get them to show an interest - but I doubt it. They're more likely to be dreaming of more exotic places - and running away again.
Saggis just got slapped, haha these were all written from a book
Nast Astrology, bashing all the 12 sign
Interested in knowing how will you sign be bash? comment i'll post for u there!!
Hahaha, it's not true totally.. Ment for fun, so no offense people hahaha!
ever feel like a idiot?
ever waited for something yet knowing it won't come?
ever put in so much effort, yet knowing the results would go down?
I'm dumb.. i'm stupid..
and i'm Fucked"
Alright time to stand up & move on.
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